it's so incredibly raw and frightening for me to begin something new. the fear of the unknown truly is my biggest fear.ever.
spiders, no.
snakes. no.
needles. not at all.
heights. nope.
not knowing. almost unbearable.
and i was hesitant and unsure the first time we spoke. not that i let it stop me, i will admit you had me intrigued. after our phone conversation today i am not hesitant. or unsure.
thank you for being so complex. and so "tell it like it is". thank you for letting me take it all in my own special way. and since i am a mini me version of you i know you will appreciate that i have to do it MY way. thank you for soothing frazzled nerves and calming ruffled feathers. thank you for being unique and authentic. cause i cant do fake.
i thought since you encouraged me to start writing again, that it only fitting my first post be about you. so thank you. for you.
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