I did venture outside a bit ago to get the paper. The breeze that blew across my face still adjusting to the brightness of the morning sun was such a much needed relief from the customary scorching wretched heat I have become almost tolerant of. I say almost because I still find myself saying at least once that I hate to sweat (well, in most cases I hate it but that is not G rated or on topic) pardon me as I digress. It’s always amusing to me the things that make or break my mood. This morning I decided to go inside and make my first home brewed pot of coffee (yes, sadly, I am a Starbucks whore) but the Chocolate Swirl with Vanilla Carmel Creamer was so yummy I almost felt like I was cheating on my White Chocolate Mocha. I did say almost didn’t I?
This day is going to be a good one. Because I have proven several things to myself. That I can get out of bed for no reason other than it’s the healthy normal thing to do, even if I am sad and lost. That doing things like being homeroom mom and helping with homework do not take away from being Wendy and those mundane tasks also do not define me or make me less exciting. They make me a mommy and I am okay with that. I can be both.
I also have proven that I can post a boring not doing much but enjoying my life post that is not a bitter diatribe about the wrongs of the world. Not sure if its cause my meds are working and my Bipolar is granting me some solace or if I am just slowly removing my head out of my ass. I’d like to think it’s the later…one can hope. Happy Thursday

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