Current mood: indescribable
She had this long blonde hair I was instantly jealous of. An attitude that says mess with me or my friends and I will kick your rear end. Her house was the meeting place everymorning of everyday of school while I went to Greenwood and she was the first to talk to me, accept me, love me. And I was the awkward kid that sat in the bathroom the first pep ralley and cried cause I had never been to a new school and had the same friends till tenth grade.. This chick was so cool, so fun to be around. AND SHE PICKED ME TO BE HER FRIEND... Okay so she did wear those ridiculous brown loafer things with the tassels on and I did laugh my butt off when she fell down the hill on the way to the dinner bell but I loved her all the same. She was my Annnie Noodle girl and I was her dune bug.
The death of a friend is never easy. Its not something that they prepare you for and even though you know it is imminent (she had been sick awhile) even after it happens it just leaves you saying what just happened.
how the heck is it fair that my very vibrant not even 35 year old friend battled cancer 3 times and then had to go through leukemia until it was just too much for her to fight anymore. How is it fair that she never got to have kids, or go through menopause okay, so maybe that last one is a blessing but it just is not fair. but i guess sometimes life is not fair.
i will tell you what it has done. it has made me contact people I put on the backburner and it has made me tell the people that have always been there that i love the hell out of them. It truly is too short that we are here, and you should not wait until you have your heart broken at the loss of someone really special to you to get it through your thick head.
I love you Annnie.........Rest in peace finally oh yeah, and I have Mazzy Star...