It has been a really long time since I have done a Friend Making Monday post. so I decided to start here. Visit Amber , for her 20 Questions idea and if you want to find out more about friend making mondays, the button is on the side bar of my blog...so here goes
20 Questions
1. Do you cook every night?
no. honestly i do not. i do cook some nights (3 or 4). something i do like to do though is to let my 12 year old Kaileigh TRY to cook dinner. i think it is teaching her a useful skill for the future and she likes to think she is grown..plus it gives me time to do other things (cause you know with 3 kids there is never enough time) 20 Questions
1. Do you cook every night?
2. What kind of laundry detergent do you use & why?
Tide, Tide, Tide. i can't get enough of that smell. Walking into my laundry room while the washing machine is going is almost better than Burnt Cider candles (i did say almost)
3. Do you do laundry everyday for loads at a time? OK...so i am not ashamed to admit that my laundry is never caught up. i mean, really. who has their laundry caught up ALL the time on a regular basis except maybe Kate G...need i say more? LOL
4. How often do you eat out per week? depends on who is paying
5. Where do you usually eat out? Mong Dynasty, Charlie's Chicken, Red Lobster and the old time family tradition of McDonald's (or as Isaiah says Donald Ducks)
6. What is your favorite retail store? Kirklands,Gordman's, and i just can't be original here but i live at Wal-Mart
7. What's your favorite thing to drink? it used to be Dr. Pepper but i must admit lately it has been Orange Fanta (and my daughter sings the dumb commercial song everytime annoying the snot out of me)
8. Do you take vitamins? no. none
9. What percentage of the household chores to you do? Depends on what i can cajole or bribe my kids to help me out with....hahahah. not really. they do have their chores and i have mine...so i would say it is 70/40
10. Do your children do chores? Kaileigh does dishes, trash and feeds the dogs
Emory makes the mess and then cries when she is asked to pick them up (i dont care though you mess it up you pick it up in this house) even Isaiah...for the most part
11. Do you go to church? yes. sometimes. okay, not as much as we should
11. Do you go to church? yes. sometimes. okay, not as much as we should
12. Do you have a housework schedule? No.
13. Do you keep a working budget? I couldn't live without it. Being a single mom, in school. have to have a budget (not that it "works" all the time for me though)
14. What do you do at night as a family? Dinner, homework, we sometimes go to the dog park (we have 4 dogs) or to the library. Depends on how much time we have
15. How do you prepare yourself for a new week?
I journal alot. It makes me feel clear and able to process all that goes on in my crazy life. I can look back on my thoughts from time to time and see how i have come out of situations i did not know if i was gonna be able to handle.
16. What do your mornings look like?
crazy. hectic. but lots of giggles and always end with kids getting out of the car screaming "love you mom, sis, bub" and i love hearing Isaiah scream back "wuv you honey, good day cool" he got that from me because i always say "love you honey, have a good day at school" it really is a sight. the girls have gotten used to it so they don't close the door till they hear us both say it. and he smiles, feeling like a big boy showing his women he loves them....
17. What time do you get up in the morning?
at a time that used to be obscene to me. but really 6am is not so early i know.
18. What time do you go to bed at night?
18. What time do you go to bed at night?
never at the same time. depends on my homework or if i am reading a good book, or online (which is not a good idea for me at night i just cant shut it off :) usually 11 or 12
19. How do you manage all of the paperwork that floods into your household? i have a box that i keep important school papers in, a bill sorter,and the trash can where papers go in their right place as it comes in. Otherwise with 3 kids it gets to be too much
20. How so you keep your household organized?
i have a write on calender that i record all the events of the month,week and day. We just stick to our routine cause otherwise it gets really crazy