so I am not a stranger to the importance of giving the girls a feel. I know early detection can save your life.
I also know that I hate all the posts. I hate all the pink. I hate that my friend is not here to post all this on her own. And to illustrate how much I am in awe of her and my mom I have a pink tattoo on my wrist...let me repeat...ON MY WRIST. pink. which I have never worn EVER. i even dressed my girls in green or yellow or hell, even blue...NEVER pink. hate the color. but yet i have it tattooed on my body.
I am on the bottom. The pink is for the breast cancer, the orange is for the leukemia from the cancer that ultimately decided that heaven needed her more than we did....
I wish you were here Annie. I wish that I had been there and not so wrapped in my own petty crap and I wish that this lesson was not so final for me. let me stop, this is not about me. it's about you. and although I hate the posts, the reminders, all the things that tell me you are not here anymore I will do it...cause I know you can't...
I love you Annie Noodle girl..
Annie is the hottie in the hideous plaid shirt with the jean color that i right hand corner hand on my shoulder. My first Greenwood friend. LOVE that girl.....